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Make the most of your SALTEX 2024 exhibit

Make the most of your SALTEX 2024 exhibit

Exhibiting at SALTEX 2024 means you're already on track to connect with Europe’s premier grounds management professionals and volunteers. But to truly make your mark, having a stand isn’t enough - you need to maximise your impact. Whether it’s your first time exhibiting or you’re a seasoned pro, this simple guide will help you make the most of your experience and boost your return on investment.

Plan your Stand Layout for Maximum Impact

Your stand is your shopfront for two days - make it count! Think about how visitors will approach and interact with it. Design a flow that draws people in, makes it easy to engage with your products, and ensures they remember you. A layout that’s both eye-catching and practical will set the stage for great conversations.

Stand out from the crowd

With so many stands competing for attention, you need to cut through the noise. Use bold visuals, strong branding, and compelling messaging to catch people’s eyes. What sets you apart from the competition? Make that your focal point and ensure your display turns heads.

Prepare your team to shine

Your team is the face of your brand during SALTEX. Make sure they’re approachable, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic. A well-prepared team that can confidently engage visitors will be crucial in converting interest into leads. Remember, energy and expertise make a winning combination.

Keep your message clear

What do you want visitors to walk away knowing about your brand? Whether you’re highlighting a special offer, showcasing a product demo, or launching something new, ensure your key message is front-and-centre. Think of it as your stand’s headline - make sure it’s visible and clear.

Get the word out early

Don’t wait for the show to start - begin promoting your stand in advance. Use the SALTEX toolkit (Found in the E-Zone via Ffair) and Gleanin to spread the word via your website, social media, and email. Consider offering special incentives like freebies, product demos, or exclusive discounts for visitors who stop by your stand.

Engage with attendees and speakers

Don’t just stay behind your stand - get out and mingle. Use your time at SALTEX to connect with other exhibitors, attend sessions, and meet key figures in the industry. Networking is an essential part of the show, and you never know what valuable opportunities may arise.

Don't forget to follow up after the event

The show may be over, but your work isn’t. Follow up with the leads and contacts you’ve made, whether through emails, phone calls, or social media. Timing is key, so make sure to reach out while the event is fresh in their minds to boost your chances of turning leads into business.

Leverage SALTEX’s marketing power

Take advantage of SALTEX’s E-newsletters, webinars, and social media channels to keep your brand top of mind before, during, and after the show. We’re happy to help promote your presence - just tag us, and we’ll make sure to reshare your content!

Plus, let us help you showcase your products and launches. We’ll work with you and your marketing team to share what you’ll be bringing to SALTEX 2024 across our channels, in news releases, and on social media - all while respecting any pre-show embargos.

Measure your success

Set clear goals before the show, whether it's generating leads, increasing brand awareness, or launching a new product. After the event, take time to review your performance. What worked well? What could be improved? Understanding your results will help refine your approach for the next event.

SALTEX is your chance to showcase your business to Europe’s premier grounds management professionals and volunteers, but success depends on smart planning and follow-through. With the right strategy in place, you’ll ensure your stand delivers maximum impact and returns on your investment.

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