Cushionfall - If ever a product has the right name, it's Cushionfall - the Axminster of playground safety surfaces.
Made from seasoned, recycled soft wood fibres that knit together to form a stable, long-lasting surface, giving excellent absorption against impact. Cushionfall is high quality and virtually maintanane free
Enviromulch - A pioneering landscaping and garden product made from naturally seasoned wood fibre. Perfect for golf courses, hotels, nature trails and council landscaping, and ideal for domestic use. Enviromulch regulates soil temperature and provides outstanding moisture retention thus saving on watering in summer months. Available in a range of colours, Enviromulch is long lasting and suppresses weed growth, saving time and energy.
Giffords Recycling LtdBrandon Way
West Bromwich
West Midlands
B70 8JN
United Kingdom