Exhibiting in conjunction with UK supplier Peacock Salt, Hilltip is a leading European manufacturer of road maintenance machinery and equipment developing products for every season and for various vehicles and machines. Produced in Finland, Hilltip winter and grounds management equipment provides unmatched quality and expertise for the benefit of maintenance professionals.
Celebrating 150 years in business, Peacock Salt position themselves at the forefront of a continuously evolving winter technology industry, sourcing and developing new products for the exclusive benefit of their customers. One of the first to market with brine saturator technology, their units span the UK and have a dedicated maintenance and aftersales service. As official UK partner of Hilltip – Peacock Salt have enabled contractors and businesses to take ownership of winter safety by transforming vehicles into nimble, powerful snow clearing and de-icing equipment. The wider equipment range features spreaders, grit bins, shovels and safety signs.
Peacock SaltNorth Harbour
United Kingdom