TurfSolv is the groundbreaking bio-based effective Turfcare programme for grass surfaces affected by leather jackets, chafer grubs, insect pests, fungus and viral conditions. TurfSolv is successfully used by grounds managers and greenkeepers to manage their greens and sports pitches. This powerful liquid is also a bio-stimulant with blended proprietary ingredients which produce strong turfgrass roots and a great colour. Adopting the TurfSolv programme for your grass encourages speedy recovery and protection from insect pest damage as well as wear and tear. Additionally, TurfSolv…
- Protects the plant’s metabolism from harmful environmental stress, e.g. heat and freezing
- Increases the efficiency of nutrient uptake for healthier turfgrass surfaces
- Reduces the requirements for wetting agents and fertilizers, however can be used with other treatments
Kindly visit our stand G064 to find out more about our revolutionary product and complete programme that solves your turf grass issues.
52 AldgateKetton
United Kingdom