Alan Drewer
Alan is the volunteer groundsman at Bishopthorpe White Rose football club, managing eight grass pitches and a clubhouse with the support of a team of volunteers.
Bishopthorpe White Rose is a grassroots football club with around 500 players, including both boys and girls teams across all junior and senior age groups. The club moved into White Rose Park, a new purpose built football facility, in August 2021.
Having coached for a number of years in the junior section of the club, Alan volunteered to lead the club's new site maintenance team. He works with fellow volunteers to manage the site within a limited budget, using information from regular Pitch Power reports, advice from the GMA, and the support of a contractor where required.
Since the opening of White Rose Park, the club have been successful at engaging a team of regular grounds volunteers, thus enabling the pitches and wider site to be well-managed, but in a cost-effective manner.
31-Oct-2024Community Sport StageHow to attract and manage club volunteers