Callum Allsop
Callum has worked in the industry for 16 years. He was a greenkeeper at Lutterworth Golf Club for five years before moving to Leicester City FC in early 2014.
He then moved into management in 2015, where he managed the grounds team at the club’s previous training ground at Belvoir Drive, and played an instrumental part in the construction and move into the new training facility in Seagrave in 2020.
During his time at LCFC he has built a team of 36 staff members that work within sports turf, greenkeeping, landscaping and within the workshop at the training site. He has experience of working in both a training ground and a stadium environment.
He has worked alongside UEFA and to deliver staff training in France and Kosovo in both training ground and stadia environments and also supported international tournaments for FIFA in both Saudi Arabia and Columbia.
31-Oct-2024Main StageTeam Talk - how to keep your team members motivated